By Metrowest Chess Club | 11/06/2024 - 11/27/2024 | Completed

Seats : 88 | Registered : 42 | Available : 46

Info, Pairing, Results and Games

Organizer Announcement

Pairings displayed here are always Projectedpairings.

▸The real pairings cannot be determined until registration closes on the night of play.
▸Being shown as paired out is not certainty, you may be paired back in.
▸Parings are not automatically updated due to Byes or new players.

  If you are in the tournament, you are ALWAYS OBLIGATED to show for every round, 
unless you request a bye before 7:15 PM of the night of play.

If you wish to avoid traveling to the club only to find that you have been paired out, you can request a Bye.
Taking a Bye this week is no assurance that you won't be projected to be paired out the next week.

  • Beta: for USCF-rated tournaments, NAChessHub calculates rating changes and displays as "CurrentRating ±RatingChange".
  • This feature requires that the "id1" and "rating1" in SwissSys correspond to the USCF ID and rating, respectively.
  • Please note that NAChessHub cannot guarantee the exact same results as official USCF calculations. Always refer to the official USCF results for final confirmation.
Published at Sun 2025-01-05 01:39 AM
# Place Player Rating RatChg Total Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 1 Wu, Felix 1953 +37.9 4.0 W W 5 W B 16 W W 2 W B 3
2 2-5 Pearson, Frederick Kemp 1911 +9.5 3.0 W B 14 W W 9 L B 1 W W 7
3 Malinin, Sergey 1866 +16.8 3.0 W W 15 W B 17 W W 6 L W 1
4 Powers, Ethan 1754 +24.3 3.0 HPB - W B 26 HPB - W W 15
5 Holmgren, Robert 1710 +50 3.0 L B 1 W B 19 W W 23 W W 12
6 6-10 Zhang, Ella Xinyue 1854 -8.3 2.5 D W 23 W B 18 L B 3 W W 17
7 Gradijan, Stephen 1800 +1.9 2.5 W W 10 W B 25 HPB - L B 2
8 Liu, Andrew X 1725 +21.6 2.5 HPB - D W 12 D B 9 W W 19
9 Reynolds, Douglas Sheldon 1618 +46.9 2.5 W W 20 L B 2 D W 8 W B 18
10 Duval, George Wilfred 1612 +38 2.5 L B 7 W W 13 W B 21 HPB -
11 11-17 Gueler, Sebastian 1989 +6.4 2.0 W B 13 HPB - HPB - U -
12 Hori, Calvin 1823 -15.8 2.0 HPB - D B 8 W W 16 L B 5
13 Todhunter, James W 1748 +3.4 2.0 L W 11 L B 10 W W 20 W B 23
14 Mcneilage, Ralph 1706 -0.5 2.0 L W 2 W B 20 L W 17 W B 25
15 Kaprielian, Mark 1703 -15.1 2.0 L B 3 B - W W 25 L B 4
16 Zhang, Emma Linyue 1676 +30.5 2.0 W W 19 L W 1 L B 12 W B 21
17 Liu, Connor Xiang 1547 +38.9 2.0 W W 22 L W 3 W B 14 L B 6
18 18 Lillebo, H Paul 1748 -15.8 1.5 HPB - L W 6 W B 22 L W 9
19 19-25 Zhaurov, Yuriy 1861 -61.5 1.0 L B 16 L W 5 W W 26 L B 8
20 Thompson, Ethan D. 1852 -61.3 1.0 L B 9 L W 14 L B 13 W W 26
21 Barry, Michael 1806 -53 1.0 HPB - D B 23 L W 10 L W 16
22 Abbot, Ames 1773 -42.3 1.0 L B 17 HPB - L W 18 HPB -
23 Menon, Mannatt Sukumar 1639 -8 1.0 D B 6 D W 21 L B 5 L W 13
24 Morreale, Luke 1531 +0 1.0 HPB - HPB - U - U -
25 Chornoboy, Edward S. 1500 -19.9 1.0 B - L W 7 L B 15 L W 14
26 26 Garcia, Jesus A 1633 -24.5 0.5 HPB - L W 4 L B 19 L B 20

Board No White Player Results Black Player
1 [1866 -12.1] Malinin, Sergey [3.0] (0-1) [3.0] Wu, Felix [1953 +12.1]
2 [1911 +11.1] Pearson, Frederick Kemp [2.0] (1-0) [2.5] Gradijan, Stephen [1800 -11.1]
3 [1710 +21] Holmgren, Robert [2.0] (1-0) [2.0] Hori, Calvin [1823 -21]
4 [1754 +13.7] Powers, Ethan [2.0] (1-0) [2.0] Kaprielian, Mark [1703 -13.7]
5 [1854 +4.7] Zhang, Ella Xinyue [1.5] (1-0) [2.0] Liu, Connor Xiang [1547 -4.7]
6 [1748 -21.7] Lillebo, H Paul [1.5] (0-1) [1.5] Reynolds, Douglas Sheldon [1618 +21.7]
7 [1725 +22] Liu, Andrew X [1.5] (1-0) [1.0] Zhaurov, Yuriy [1861 -22]
8 [1806 -21.7] Barry, Michael [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Zhang, Emma Linyue [1676 +21.7]
9 [1639 -11.1] Menon, Mannatt Sukumar [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Todhunter, James W [1748 +11.1]
10 [1500 -7.5] Chornoboy, Edward S. [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Mcneilage, Ralph [1706 +7.5]
11 [1852 +7.1] Thompson, Ethan D. [0.0] (1-0) [0.5] Garcia, Jesus A [1633 -7.1]
0 [1773 ] Abbot, Ames [0.5] (0.5) BYE
0 [1612 ] Duval, George Wilfred [2.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1989 ] Gueler, Sebastian [2.0] (0) No Game - 0 Point
0 [1531 ] Morreale, Luke [1.0] (0) No Game - 0 Point

Board No White Player Results Black Player
1 [1953 +14.1] Wu, Felix [2.0] (1-0) [2.0] Pearson, Frederick Kemp [1911 -14.1]
2 [1866 +15.4] Malinin, Sergey [2.0] (1-0) [1.5] Zhang, Ella Xinyue [1854 -15.4]
3 [1823 +9.6] Hori, Calvin [1.0] (1-0) [1.0] Zhang, Emma Linyue [1676 -9.6]
4 [1806 -24.1] Barry, Michael [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Duval, George Wilfred [1612 +24.1]
5 [1618 +4.8] Reynolds, Douglas Sheldon [1.0] (½-½) [1.0] Liu, Andrew X [1725 -4.8]
6 [1710 +12.8] Holmgren, Robert [1.0] (1-0) [1.0] Menon, Mannatt Sukumar [1639 -12.8]
7 [1706 -22.9] Mcneilage, Ralph [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Liu, Connor Xiang [1547 +22.9]
8 [1703 +7.6] Kaprielian, Mark [1.0] (1-0) [1.0] Chornoboy, Edward S. [1500 -7.6]
9 [1773 -17.1] Abbot, Ames [0.5] (0-1) [0.5] Lillebo, H Paul [1748 +17.1]
10 [1861 +6.8] Zhaurov, Yuriy [0.0] (1-0) [0.5] Garcia, Jesus A [1633 -6.8]
11 [1748 +20.7] Todhunter, James W [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Thompson, Ethan D. [1852 -20.7]
0 [1989 ] Gueler, Sebastian [1.5] (0.5) BYE
0 [1800 ] Gradijan, Stephen [2.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1754 ] Powers, Ethan [1.5] (0.5) BYE
0 [1531 ] Morreale, Luke [1.0] (0) No Game - 0 Point

Board No White Player Results Black Player
1 [1676 -5.4] Zhang, Emma Linyue [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Wu, Felix [1953 +5.4]
2 [1911 +5] Pearson, Frederick Kemp [1.0] (1-0) [1.0] Reynolds, Douglas Sheldon [1618 -5]
3 [1547 -4.4] Liu, Connor Xiang [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Malinin, Sergey [1866 +4.4]
4 [1500 -4.8] Chornoboy, Edward S. [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Gradijan, Stephen [1800 +4.8]
5 [1748 -11.3] Lillebo, H Paul [0.5] (0-1) [0.5] Zhang, Ella Xinyue [1854 +11.3]
6 [1725 +4.4] Liu, Andrew X [0.5] (½-½) [0.5] Hori, Calvin [1823 -4.4]
7 [1639 +7.1] Menon, Mannatt Sukumar [0.5] (½-½) [0.5] Barry, Michael [1806 -7.1]
8 [1633 -10.6] Garcia, Jesus A [0.5] (0-1) [0.5] Powers, Ethan [1754 +10.6]
9 [1861 -22.5] Zhaurov, Yuriy [0.0] (0-1) [0.0] Holmgren, Robert [1710 +22.5]
10 [1852 -22.4] Thompson, Ethan D. [0.0] (0-1) [0.0] Mcneilage, Ralph [1706 +22.4]
11 [1612 +22] Duval, George Wilfred [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Todhunter, James W [1748 -22]
0 [1703 ] Kaprielian, Mark [0.0] (1) BYE
0 [1989 ] Gueler, Sebastian [1.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1773 ] Abbot, Ames [0.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1531 ] Morreale, Luke [0.5] (0.5) BYE

Board No White Player Results Black Player
1 [1748 -6.4] Todhunter, James W [0.0] (0-1) [0.0] Gueler, Sebastian [1989 +6.4]
2 [1953 +6.3] Wu, Felix [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Holmgren, Robert [1710 -6.3]
3 [1706 -7.5] Mcneilage, Ralph [0.0] (0-1) [0.0] Pearson, Frederick Kemp [1911 +7.5]
4 [1866 +9] Malinin, Sergey [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Kaprielian, Mark [1703 -9]
5 [1676 +23.8] Zhang, Emma Linyue [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Zhaurov, Yuriy [1861 -23.8]
6 [1854 -8.8] Zhang, Ella Xinyue [0.0] (½-½) [0.0] Menon, Mannatt Sukumar [1639 +8.8]
7 [1618 +25.4] Reynolds, Douglas Sheldon [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Thompson, Ethan D. [1852 -25.4]
8 [1800 +8.1] Gradijan, Stephen [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Duval, George Wilfred [1612 -8.1]
9 [1547 +25.2] Liu, Connor Xiang [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Abbot, Ames [1773 -25.2]
0 [1500 ] Chornoboy, Edward S. [0.0] (1) BYE
0 [1823 ] Hori, Calvin [0.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1754 ] Powers, Ethan [0.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1806 ] Barry, Michael [0.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1725 ] Liu, Andrew X [0.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1633 ] Garcia, Jesus A [0.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1531 ] Morreale, Luke [0.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1748 ] Lillebo, H Paul [0.0] (0.5) BYE

# Place Player Rating RatChg Total Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 1 Espirito Santo, Rodrigo Oliveira 1505 +47 4.0 W W 10 W B 11 W W 5 W B 7
2 2-3 Kruger, David Maxwell 1378 +16.4 3.0 HPB - W W 6 W B 3 HPB -
3 Swartz, Paul K 1351 +53.1 3.0 W W 7 W B 9 L W 2 W W 8
4 4-6 Nicewicz, Lars 1468 -15.9 2.5 W W 12 L B 5 W W 10 HPB -
5 Smith, Warner 1400 +7.8 2.5 W B 16 W W 4 L B 1 HPB -
6 Lynch, Liam Cornelius 869 +29.6 2.5 W W 8 L B 2 HPB - W W 13
7 7-10 Martin, David W 1628 -40.1 2.0 L B 3 W W 13 W B 9 L W 1
8 Gassler, Richard 1473 -39.1 2.0 L B 6 W W 14 W W 11 L B 3
9 Dorfman, John Roger 1436 -27.5 2.0 W B 14 L W 3 L W 7 W B 15
10 Li, Alexander 1078 -2.9 2.0 L B 1 W W 15 L B 4 W W 12
11 11-13 Krishnamurthy, Venkat 1411 -24.8 1.5 W W 15 L W 1 L B 8 HPB -
12 Jeevanand, Rishi 559 +2.6 1.5 L B 4 W W 16 HPB - L B 10
13 Senne, Steven R 0 +30.3 1.5 HPB - L B 7 W W 14 L B 6
14 14-15 Venkatesan, Hamsini 525 -30.8 1.0 L W 9 L B 8 L B 13 B -
15 Butler, Robert M 511 +3.9 1.0 L B 11 L B 10 W W 16 L W 9
16 16 Michaels, Walter P. 236 -9.8 0.5 L W 5 L B 12 L B 15 HPB -

Board No White Player Results Black Player
12 [1628 -21.4] Martin, David W [2.0] (0-1) [3.0] Espirito Santo, Rodrigo Oliveira [1505 +21.4]
13 [1351 +21.4] Swartz, Paul K [2.0] (1-0) [2.0] Gassler, Richard [1473 -21.4]
14 [869 +0.2] Lynch, Liam Cornelius [1.5] (1-0) [1.5] Senne, Steven R [0 -0.2]
15 [1078 +1.5] Li, Alexander [1.0] (1-0) [1.5] Jeevanand, Rishi [559 -1.5]
16 [511 -0.2] Butler, Robert M [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Dorfman, John Roger [1436 +0.2]
0 [525 ] Venkatesan, Hamsini [0.0] (1) BYE
0 [1411 ] Krishnamurthy, Venkat [1.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1468 ] Nicewicz, Lars [2.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [1378 ] Kruger, David Maxwell [2.5] (0.5) BYE
0 [1400 ] Smith, Warner [2.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [236 ] Michaels, Walter P. [0.0] (0.5) BYE

Board No White Player Results Black Player
12 [1505 +11.3] Espirito Santo, Rodrigo Oliveira [2.0] (1-0) [2.0] Smith, Warner [1400 -11.3]
13 [1351 -14.8] Swartz, Paul K [2.0] (0-1) [1.5] Kruger, David Maxwell [1378 +14.8]
14 [1436 -8] Dorfman, John Roger [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Martin, David W [1628 +8]
15 [1473 +13.2] Gassler, Richard [1.0] (1-0) [1.0] Krishnamurthy, Venkat [1411 -13.2]
16 [1468 +3.1] Nicewicz, Lars [1.0] (1-0) [1.0] Li, Alexander [1078 -3.1]
17 [0 +30.5] Senne, Steven R [0.5] (1-0) [0.0] Venkatesan, Hamsini [525 -30.5]
18 [511 +5.5] Butler, Robert M [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Michaels, Walter P. [236 -5.5]
0 [869 ] Lynch, Liam Cornelius [1.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [559 ] Jeevanand, Rishi [1.0] (0.5) BYE

Board No White Player Results Black Player
12 [1411 -11.8] Krishnamurthy, Venkat [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Espirito Santo, Rodrigo Oliveira [1505 +11.8]
13 [1400 +19.1] Smith, Warner [1.0] (1-0) [1.0] Nicewicz, Lars [1468 -19.1]
14 [1436 -19.8] Dorfman, John Roger [1.0] (0-1) [1.0] Swartz, Paul K [1351 +19.8]
15 [1378 +1.6] Kruger, David Maxwell [0.5] (1-0) [1.0] Lynch, Liam Cornelius [869 -1.6]
16 [1628 +0] Martin, David W [0.0] (1-0) [0.5] Senne, Steven R [0 -0]
17 [1473 +0.1] Gassler, Richard [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Venkatesan, Hamsini [525 -0.1]
18 [1078 +1.2] Li, Alexander [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Butler, Robert M [511 -1.2]
19 [559 +4.3] Jeevanand, Rishi [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Michaels, Walter P. [236 -4.3]

Board No White Player Results Black Player
10 [1351 +26.6] Swartz, Paul K [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Martin, David W [1628 -26.6]
11 [1505 +2.5] Espirito Santo, Rodrigo Oliveira [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Li, Alexander [1078 -2.5]
12 [869 +31] Lynch, Liam Cornelius [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Gassler, Richard [1473 -31]
13 [1468 +0.2] Nicewicz, Lars [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Jeevanand, Rishi [559 -0.2]
14 [525 -0.2] Venkatesan, Hamsini [0.0] (0-1) [0.0] Dorfman, John Roger [1436 +0.2]
15 [1411 +0.2] Krishnamurthy, Venkat [0.0] (1-0) [0.0] Butler, Robert M [511 -0.2]
16 [236 -0] Michaels, Walter P. [0.0] (0-1) [0.0] Smith, Warner [1400 +0]
0 [1378 ] Kruger, David Maxwell [0.0] (0.5) BYE
0 [0 ] Senne, Steven R [0.0] (0.5) BYE

# Place Player Rating RatChg Total Rd 1 Rd 2
1 1 Zhang, Zihan 1567 +0 2.0 W W 3 W B 2
2 2-3 Thompson, Douglas 1517 +0 0.0 U - L W 1
3 Chornoboy, Edward 1500 +0 0.0 L B 1 U -

  • This is a draft pairing that may be changed later.
  • The official pairing will be published before the round starts.
Board No White Player Results Black Player
0 [1500 ] Chornoboy, Edward [0.0] (0) No Game - 0 Point

Board No White Player Results Black Player
0 [1517 ] Thompson, Douglas [0.0] (0) No Game - 0 Point