  • Improve Roster page layout.
  • Add an event option that does not show unpaid entries in the roster page.
  • Membership should not expire before the event end time to take its discount.

  • WYSIWYG HTML editor can insert pictures and videos.
  • NaChessHub.com can update LiChess Arena tournament Allow-list automatically.
  • Send notification emails to players after SwissSys publishes the pairing.
  • Pairing page can show organizer's announcement.

  • Show available Membership Discount in registration, which helps both player and organizer.
  • Add WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editors for organizers to edit Event and Organizer descriptions.
  • Add WYSIWYG HTML editors for organizers to send emails.

  • Organizer can manage a LiChess team based on the event roster.
  • Improve the performance of refreshing player profiles.
  • Improve web site loggings for better diagnostics.

  • Refine web site layout to be more responsive.
  • Add Short Icon to modernize the site.

  • Player profile supports Northwest (NW) ID and Rating.
  • Organize can run USCF+NW dual rated tournaments and USCF+FIDE+NW triple rated tournaments.
  • Players organizers can set Team in registrations to support Bughouse and events that need team information.
  • Poster pages can show Team names.
  • Refine the navigation bar to emphasize important entries.
  • Event supports non US address.
  • Add more information to Pairing and Result page.

  • Upgrade frontend toolkit to Bootstrap 5.
  • NaChessHub.com supports multiple dark and light themes.
  • NAChessHub logo supports light theme.
  • Fix inconsistent text colors.
  • Add an option to sync event settings (rounds, time control and bye requests) to sections.
  • Add "Publish" button to Event page.
  • Organizer can create an event with one click.
  • Roster page collapses sections when there are multiple sections and many players.
  • Save FIDE-rated required information into SwissSys files.

  • Use check-boxes to request byes.
  • Poster page shows withdrew players inline.
  • NAChessHub.com opens some links in new windows when it is hosted in a iframe.
  • Purchase skips the payment step when there is no fee.

  • Upgrade NAChessHub.com from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET 7.
  • Registration Details page shows USCF ID.
  • Poster page allows to collapse and expand one section.

  • Player can use FIDE ID or CFC ID to sign up.
  • Organizer can use FIDE ID or CFC ID to sign up.
  • Player profile supports CFC ID and Rating.
  • Organize can run USCF+CFC, USCF+CFC+FIDE, CFC and CFC+FIDE rated tournaments.

  • Add a PayPal icon for PayPal links.
  • Help page describes PayPal integration.
  • Generate SiwssManager files.
  • Organizer can set a published pairing to be draft.
  • Organizer can set the default state (draft or official) of a published pairing.
  • Refine the visualization of Pairing page.
  • Unify the text file and SiwssSys file generation.
  • Sort sections when creating SwissSys files.
  • Sort players by rating when creating SwissSys files.
  • Set 0-point bye for over-requested byes in SwissSys files.

  • Generate SwissSys 11 sjson file.
  • "Find New Registration" adds new players into the SwissSys 11 file to support weekly events.
  • Organizer can download published SiwssSys 11 sjson file.
  • Membership page shows USCF Membership expire date.
  • Membership page supports refreshing USCF profiles.
  • Sort players in adding membership.
  • Show membership list after adding a membership.
  • Refine refreshing user profile.
  • Refine NaChessHub.com visualization.
  • Update Help page with more information.

  • Event supports weekly events.
  • Calendar supports weekly events.
  • Add section order to sort sections in Roster page.
  • Roster shows bye-request tables for organizers.

  • Save NAChessHub.com source codes to Git repository in Azure DevOps.