By Metrowest Chess Club | 12/04/2024 - 12/18/2024 | Completed
Seats : 88 | Registered : 41 | Available : 47
Info, Pairing, Results and Games
Organizer Announcement
Pairings displayed here are always “Projected”
The real pairings cannot be determined until registration
closes on the night of play.
Being shown as paired out is not certainty, you may be paired back in.
Parings are not automatically updated due to Byes or new players.
If you are in the tournament, you are ALWAYS
OBLIGATED to show for every round,
Unless you request a Bye for that
before 7:15 PM of the night of play.
If you wish to avoid traveling to the club only to find
that you have been paired out, you can request a Bye.
Taking a Bye this week is no assurance that
you won't be projected to be paired out the next week.