PNWCC - WOW (Winter of Washington)

By Pacific Northwest Chess Center | Sat, Dec 26 2020 08:30, Pacific Standard Time | Completed

General Information
Name PNWCC - WOW (Winter of Washington) [Completed]
Organizer Pacific Northwest Chess Center [Email : Phone : 4258028602]
Event Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Dates Saturday, December 26, 2020 8:30 AM ~ Monday, December 28, 2020 5:00 PM
Registration Deadline Friday, December 25, 2020 8:30 PM
Event Address Map pin, Online, WA, USA, 98034
Require Check In Yes [Check-In Phrase : I read flyer. I know round 1 starts at 8:30 AM Seattle Time. I know joining zoom with angled camera, audio and screen sharing are required. I know all byes must be requested by 12 hours before event starts. I know I cannot use restroom 45min after each round starts. I will play fairly.]
Entry Fee Due on registration
USCF Membership Must not expire before event ends
Event Details
Format OTB (Over the Board)
Event Type Open
Pairing Rule Swiss
Rounds 9 [Each sections may have different number of rounds]
Half-Point Byes 0 Allowed [Each section may have different number of HPB's]
Time Control Dual [G/60;+5]
Rating Type
Total Seats 200
Prize Fund $10,000 [USD - US Dollar]
Flyer Link
Pairing & Results Club
Zoom and Skype
Only registered & paid players can see the links. Please Login or Register to see the ZOOM and Skype Info
Event Description
9-round Swiss tournament with time control G/60;+5 for in three sections. Three half-point byes available to fit your busy weekend schedules. Three rounds per day at 08:30AM - 11:30AM - 2:30PM PST/Seattle Times. Strict anti-cheating and check in required. Please read our flyer for detail. Event is USCF Online Rated.

Misc Info: Check in phrase - I read flyer. I know round 1 starts at 8:30 AM Seattle Time. I know joining zoom with angled camera, audio and screen sharing are required. I know all byes must be requested by 12 hours before event starts. I know I cannot use restroom 45min after each round starts. I will play fairly.
Membership Discount
10% off PNWCC 6-month Membership (Bronze)
Sections and Entry Fees
9 Rounds | 3 Byes | Dual Time Control [G/60;+5] | Rated | Swiss Pairing
$400(gtd) - $300 - $200 - $100 - $50 Best U1500 | U1300 | U1100 $75 each based on 40 paid entries
Entry Fees (USD)
$45.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 0 - 1699 ]
9 Rounds | 3 Byes | Dual Time Control [G/60;+5] | Rated | Swiss Pairing
$400(gtd) - $300 - $200 - $100 - $50 Best U2000 | U1800 $100 each based on 40 paid entries
Entry Fees (USD)
$45.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 1700 - 2199 ]
Play Up : 1400playup | 2 Seats
Entry Fees
$105.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 1400 - 1499 ]
Play Up : 1500playup | 4 Seats
Entry Fees
$85.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 1500 - 1599 ]
Play Up : 1600playup | 8 Seats
Entry Fees
$65.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 1600 - 1699 ]
9 Rounds | 3 Byes | Dual Time Control [G/60;+5] | Rated | Swiss Pairing
$4000 (gtd) - $2000 - $1000 - $500 - $300 - $200 - $150 - $100 -$75 -$50. Best Female | IM | FM | NM $100 extra
Entry Fees (USD)
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = WGM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = GM ]
$60.00 [ FIDE Title = WIM ]
$60.00 [ FIDE Title = IM ]
$120.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 2200 - 9999 ]
Play Up : Masters play up for 1900 | 4 Seats
Entry Fees
$180.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 1900 - 1999 ]
Play Up : Masters play up for 2000 | 12 Seats
Entry Fees
$160.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 2000 - 2099 ]
Play Up : Masters play up for 2100 | 20 Seats
Entry Fees
$140.00 [ USCF Regular Rating 2100 - 2199 ]