⚡PNWCC Thematic Jackpot Blitz - Italian Game

By Pacific Northwest Chess Center | Sun, Jan 28 2024 10:00, Pacific Standard Time | Completed

General Information
Name ⚡PNWCC Thematic Jackpot Blitz - Italian Game [Completed]
Organizer Pacific Northwest Chess Center [Email : pnwchesscenter@gmail.com Phone : 4258028602]
Event Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Dates Sunday, January 28, 2024 10:00 AM ~ Sunday, January 28, 2024 12:15 PM
Registration Deadline Sunday, January 28, 2024 9:45 AM
Event Address Map pin lichess.org, Online, WA, USA, 98034
Require Check In Yes [Check-In Phrase : I will join lichess team PNWCC Opening Bullet and Blitz and play fairly to improve my opening knowledge.]
Entry Fee Due on registration
Event Details
Format OTB (Over the Board)
Event Type Open
Pairing Rule Swiss
Rounds 11 [Each sections may have different number of rounds]
Half-Point Byes 0 Allowed [Each section may have different number of HPB's]
Time Control Blitz [3+2]
Rating Type lichess.org
Total Seats 200
Prize Fund $675 [USD - US Dollar]
Flyer Link https://nachesshub.com/Organizers/Details/A6051987
Live Game https://lichess.org/swiss/pgnTONu1
Lichess Team https://lichess.org/team/pnwcc-opening-bullet-and-blitz
Zoom and Skype
Only registered & paid players can see the links. Please Login or Register to see the ZOOM and Skype Info
Event Description
11 rounds of Swiss Blitz tournament with time control 3+2 to test your opening knowledges with Grandmasters.

This week features Italian Opening starting with moves 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4.

Gtd Prize for top 5 finishers $300-$200-$100-$50-$25. Jackpot winners will get $1100 bonus!
Entry Fees -
GM/WGM - Free entry
IM/WIM - Free entry with $25 prize reduction
FM/WFM - $5
NM - $10
Others - $20 [limit to 50 entries]
PNWCC Gold members 20% discount

Players must register and then join the lichess team PNWCC Opening Bullet and Blitz

Note - No ZOOM meeting is required for the bullet event. Prize will be sent after lichess reviews the prize winner's games.

Check-in phrase -
I will join lichess team PNWCC Opening Bullet and Blitz and play fairly to improve my opening knowledge.

Membership Discount
20% off PNWCC 6-Month Membership (Gold)
Sections and Entry Fees
11 Rounds | 0 Byes | Bullet Time Control [1+0] | lichess.org Rated | Swiss Pairing | 200 Seats
Entry Fees (USD)
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = GM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = WGM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = WIM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = IM ]
$5.00 [ USCF Title = LM ]
$5.00 [ FIDE Title = FM ]
$5.00 [ USCF Title = LM ]
$5.00 [ FIDE Title = WFM ]
$10.00 [ USCF Title = NM ]
Play Up : Play up for untitled players | 50 Seats
Entry Fees
$20.00 [ ]