9:30AM - PNWCC Jackpot 17 - Angled Camera Must!

By Pacific Northwest Chess Center | Sat, Jul 18 2020 09:30, Pacific Daylight Time | Completed

General Information
Name 9:30AM - PNWCC Jackpot 17 - Angled Camera Must! [Completed]
Organizer Pacific Northwest Chess Center [Email : pnwchesscenter@gmail.com Phone : 4258028602]
Event Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Dates Saturday, July 18, 2020 9:30 AM ~ Saturday, July 18, 2020 11:45 AM
Registration Deadline Saturday, July 18, 2020 9:30 AM
Event Address Map pin lichess.org, Online, WA, USA, 98034
Require Check In No
Entry Fee Due on registration
Event Details
Format OTB (Over the Board)
Event Type Open
Pairing Rule Swiss
Rounds 11 [Each sections may have different number of rounds]
Half-Point Byes 0 Allowed [Each section may have different number of HPB's]
Time Control Blitz [G/3;+2]
Rating Type lichess.org
Total Seats 200
Prize Fund $1,500 [USD - US Dollar]
Flyer Link https://drive.google.com/file/d/12VzAy99z0sbZdGf-r6D4NLJ_YvgByPTz/view?usp=sharing
Lichess Team https://lichess.org/team/pnwcc-jackpot-on-lichessorg
Lichess Tournament https://lichess.org/swiss/sBSyIFc9
Zoom and Skype
Only registered & paid players can see the links. Please Login or Register to see the ZOOM and Skype Info
Event Description
An 11-round, 3+2 blitz on lichess.org with many GM’s from around the world to compete in one section for the Jackpot Prize of $1,000 with perfect score. Event is lichess.org blitz rated only (Not USCF or FIDE rated). lichess.org blitz rating will be used for pairing. Must register on USChessHub and join ZOOM with video and audio to qualify for prize. $200 winner bonus on top of the points based prize.

Misc Info: New Rule - To qualify for prize - 1. Must register on USChessHub 2. Must join ZOOM with video and audio to qualify prize - https://zoom.us/j/245159389?pwd=V3hXNHJXY2oyU0Z5dC9HOXJBQUhCZz09 Password: 901334 3. lichess.org account must show real name
Membership Discount
20% off PNWCC 6-month Membership (Bronze)
Sections and Entry Fees
11 Rounds | 0 Byes | Blitz Time Control [G/3;+2] | lichess.org Rated | Swiss Pairing | 200 Seats
One section for all
Point based prize - 11- $1,000 | 10.5 $600 | 10 $500 | 9.5 $350 | 9 $200 | 8.5 $75 | 8 $25 | 7.5 $10 & Class Prize $10 for best performer in each class
Entry Fees (USD)
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = WGM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = WIM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = GM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = IM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = IM ]
$0.00 [ Specific USCF IDs ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = WIM ]
$15.00 [ ]