(Canceled) PNWCC FIDE Masters - Thanksgiving

By Pacific Northwest Chess Center | Wed, Nov 24 2021 19:00, Pacific Standard Time | Completed

General Information
Name (Canceled) PNWCC FIDE Masters - Thanksgiving [Completed]
Organizer Pacific Northwest Chess Center [Email : pnwchesscenter@gmail.com Phone : 4258028602]
Event Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Dates Wednesday, November 24, 2021 7:00 PM ~ Sunday, November 28, 2021 12:00 AM
Registration Deadline Thursday, November 4, 2021 12:00 AM
Event Address Map pin 2771 152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA, USA, 98052
Hotel Reservation https://www.pnwchesscenter.org/
Require Check In Yes [Check-In Phrase : I know this is a over-the-board tournament in PNWCC which is just moved to Redmond - 2771 152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052. I have no COVID-19 symptoms and will wear masks all the time during the tournament.]
Entry Fee Due on registration
USCF Membership Must not expire before event ends
Event Details
Format OTB (Over the Board)
Event Type Open
Pairing Rule Swiss
Rounds 0 [Each sections may have different number of rounds]
Half-Point Byes 0 Allowed [Each section may have different number of HPB's]
Time Control Classical [G/90;+30]
Rating Type FIDE
FIDE Event Link https://ratings.fide.com/tournament_information.phtml?event=263485
Norm Event Yes
Total Seats 31
Prize Fund $0 [USD - US Dollar]
Flyer Link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_F-PYRd5sSsmNO-BYt-gqi7gL_kjL3MhLJ-1NQVlQgQ/edit?usp=sharing
Live Game https://www.pnwchesscenter.org/
Pairing & Results https://www.pnwchesscenter.org/
Event Description
A PNWCC Over-the-Board FIDE rated 9-round Swiss tournament with time control G/90;+30 for players with FIDE 2300+ rating. It gives a very realistic chance for IM/GM norms. Play up is very limited. We offer conditions for foreign GM's. Check flyer for detail.

Schedule :
R1 - 11/24 07:00 PM PST
R2 - 11/25 11:00 AM PST
R3 - 11/25 06:00 PM PST
R4 - 11/26 11:00 AM PST
R5 - 11/26 06:00 PM PST
R6 - 11/27 11:00 AM PST
R7 - 11/27 06:00 PM PST
R8 - 11/28 10:00 AM PST
R9 - 11/28 05:00 PM PST

Prizes are nominal and awarded to top 6 finishers - $500 - $400 - $300 - $200 - $200 - $200

Check-In phrase -
I know this is a over-the-board tournament in PNWCC which is just moved to Redmond - 2771 152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052. I have no COVID-19 symptoms and will wear masks all the time during the tournament.

Misc Info: Our tournament is limited to 30 players with 8 play up seats. If we have huge interest in this event by 10/24, we will negotiate with the hotel to get their conference room so we can accommodate more players.
If seats are all sold out, or play up seats are filled, you can register the waiting list section - $50 to show your earnest.
If we can’t expand the capacity of the event (decision to expand will be made by 10/24), we will refund your entry fee
If we can accommodate you, and you decline our offer, $50 is non-refundable
Membership Discount
15% off PNWCC 6-Month Membership (Gold)
Sections and Entry Fees
0 Rounds | 0 Byes | Classical Time Control [G/90;+30] | USCF+FIDE Rated | RR Pairing | 1 Seats
Entry Fees (USD)
$0.00 [ Must be a TD ]
0 Rounds | 0 Byes | Classical Time Control [G/90;+30] | FIDE Rated | Swiss Pairing | 30 Seats
Prizes are nominal and award to the top 6 finishers $500 - $400 - $300 - $200 - $200 - $200
Entry Fees (USD)
$0.00 [ Before 11/10/2021 12:00:00 AM FIDE Title = GM ]
$0.00 [ FIDE Standard Rating 2400 - 9999 & FIDE Title = IM & Is Foreign Player ]
$400.00 [ FIDE Standard Rating 2300 - 9999 ]
Play Up : 2 - FIDE 2200 Play Up | 4 Seats
Entry Fees
$475.00 [ Before 11/10/2021 12:00:00 AM FIDE Standard Rating 2200 - 2299 ]
$525.00 [ FIDE Standard Rating 2200 - 2249 ]
Play Up : 3 - FIDE 2100 Play Up | 3 Seats
Entry Fees
$525.00 [ Before 11/10/2021 12:00:00 AM FIDE Standard Rating 2100 - 2299 ]
$575.00 [ FIDE Standard Rating 2100 - 2299 ]
Play Up : 4 - U2100 Play up | 1 Seats
Entry Fees
$625.00 [ Before 11/10/2021 12:00:00 AM FIDE Standard Rating 0 - 2099 ]
$675.00 [ FIDE Standard Rating 0 - 2299 ]
0 Rounds | 0 Byes | Classical Time Control [G/90;+30] | FIDE Rated | RR Pairing
Our tournament is limited to 30 players with 8 play up seats. If we have huge interest in this event by 8/2, we will negotiate with the hotel to get their conference room so we can accommodate more players
Entry Fees (USD)
$50.00 [ ]