PNWCC Super Invitational - SOS (Summer of Seattle) Sold Out!

By Pacific Northwest Chess Center | Sun, Jul 12 2020 08:00, Pacific Daylight Time | Completed

General Information
Name PNWCC Super Invitational - SOS (Summer of Seattle) [Completed]
Organizer Pacific Northwest Chess Center [Email : Phone : 4258028602]
Event Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Dates Sunday, July 12, 2020 8:00 AM ~ Friday, July 17, 2020 1:00 PM
Registration Deadline Sunday, July 12, 2020 12:00 AM
Event Address Map pin, Online, WA, USA, 98034
Require Check In No
Entry Fee Due on registration
USCF Membership Must not expire before event ends
Event Details
Format OTB (Over the Board)
Event Type Invitational
Pairing Rule Swiss
Rounds 6 [Each sections may have different number of rounds]
Half-Point Byes 0 Allowed [Each section may have different number of HPB's]
Time Control Classical
Rating Type
Total Seats 8
Prize Fund $0 [USD - US Dollar]
Flyer Link
Live Game
Pairing & Results
Zoom and Skype
Only registered & paid players can see the links. Please Login or Register to see the ZOOM and Skype Info
Event Description
A double-round robin super online classical invitational tournament on by 4 super GM's with average rating of Elo 2715 - GM Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, GM Jeffery Xiong, GM Liem Q. Le and GM Vladimir Fedoseev from July 12 - 17th.

Misc Info: 08:00 Seattle / 10:00 Dallas & St. Louis/ 18:00 Moscow / 19:00 Baku on July 12,13,14,15,16 & 17
Sections and Entry Fees
0 Rounds | 0 Byes | Classical Time Control | Rated | Swiss Pairing | 4 Seats
Entry Fees (USD)
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = GM ]
0 Rounds | 0 Byes | Classical Time Control | Rated | Swiss Pairing | 4 Seats
Entry Fees (USD)
$0.00 [ FIDE Title = GM ]