SPFNO Blitz Championship

By Washington Chess Federation | Sat, Oct 22 2022 18:30, Pacific Daylight Time | Completed

General Information
Name SPFNO Blitz Championship [Completed]
Organizer Washington Chess Federation [Email : WashingtonChessFederation@gmail.com Phone : 206-769-3757]
Event Time Zone Pacific Daylight Time
Dates Saturday, October 22, 2022 6:30 PM ~ Saturday, October 22, 2022 9:00 PM
Registration Deadline Friday, October 21, 2022 5:00 PM
Event Address Map pin Seattle Marriott Bellevue: 200 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA, USA, 98004
Hotel Reservation https://www.marriott.com/events/start.mi?id=1660333466648&key=GRP
Require Check In No
USCF Membership Must not expire before event ends
Event Details
Format OTB (Over the Board)
Event Type Scholastic
Pairing Rule Swiss
Rounds 8 [Each sections may have different number of rounds]
Half-Point Byes 0 Allowed [Each section may have different number of HPB's]
Time Control Blitz [G/5;d0]
Rating Type USCF
Total Seats 50
Prize Fund $0 [USD - US Dollar]
Flyer Link http://www.spfno.com/
Registration Link https://chessreg.com/
Pairing & Results https://chessreg.com/
Event Description
SPFNO Blitz Championship Sat, 10/22 @ 6:30-9:00PM. Format: A 2-section, 8-round single Swiss in two sections: K-5 & 6-12. US Chess Blitz rated; US Chess membership required. TC: G/5; d0. Entry Fee: $30 by 10/14, $50 10/15 or after. On-site registration: 5:30-6:15PM. First round at 6:30PM, rounds approximately every 15 minutes thereafter. Rating: Higher of October 2022 US Chess Blitz rating (regular or online) and NWSRS rating used to determine pairings and prizes. Prizes: Trophies awarded to Top 5 players in each section.

Misc Info: Rating: Higher of October 2022 US Chess Blitz rating (regular or online) and NWSRS rating used to determine pairings and prizes.
Sections and Entry Fees
8 Rounds | 0 Byes | Blitz Time Control [G/5;d0] | USCF Rated | Swiss Pairing
Prizes: Trophies awarded to Top 5 players in each section.
Entry Fees (USD)
8 Rounds | 0 Byes | Blitz Time Control [G/5;d0] | USCF Rated | Swiss Pairing
Prizes: Trophies awarded to Top 5 players in each section.
Entry Fees (USD)