Help Topic : 4. Can I still use the email features if I don't want to go through the hassle of creating a SendGrid API Key?

We recognize that SendGrid has stringent requirements for creating business accounts to ensure their services are used responsibly. However, setting up your own SendGrid account and API Key is worthwhile, as it allows you to send emails from NACH using your own custom domain, such as

That said, we understand this process can be challenging for those who are not tech-savvy. To help, we offer the following solutions:

  1. NAC can create an API key for you under our DNS domain,, using an unmonitored email address. For instance, if your organizer account on NACH is PNWCC, your email would be

  2. You can then update your profile with the provided key and email address and test to ensure everything works correctly.

  3. As we bear the cost of SendGrid subscriptions, we charge $20/month or $180/year for the use of this API key.

If you'd like to proceed with this option, please contact us here.

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