Create Account

  • Player Account
    • Players can use their FIDE, USCF OR CFC Player ID's to register
    • NA Chess Hub (NACH) will associate all player ID's under the same account
    • Players can then use their USCF, FIDE OR CFC ID as user name to login
  • Organizer Account
    • US organizer please use your "USCF Affiliate ID" to register.
    • Canada organizer please choose "CFC Organizer ID" and use your "CFC ID" to register
    • International organizer please choose "FIDE Organizer ID" and use your "FIDE ID" to register
  • Become a USCF Member or Affiliate
  • If you have questions please contact us by email

| Look up your FIDE ID, CFC ID, USCF ID or USCF Affiliate ID .

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