Total Reviews : 9 | Average Rating : 5.0

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GM Vazquez, Guillermo
I participated in a few camps by Kramnik and Gelfand thanks to NA Chess Hub. They were excellent opportunities to improve my chess that I would not have had otherwise. I truly appreciate all the effort and work NACH is putting into this and hope to see it continuing.

Meurs, Tom
I participated in Aagaard's camp how to go from 2200 to IM. It was a very interesting opportunity to discuss with a small group Aagaard's perspective on the subject. Aagaard analyzed our games and gave individual feedback. This made the information very relevant. Furthermore, understanding everyone has his/hers strengths and weaknesses is also important motivation, since, in the end, we all struggle at some point in our chess careers. I want to thank Mr. He for organizing this camp and encourage everyone to at least join one of his camps.

GM Mishra, Abhimanyu
North America Chess Hub is the best available platform for online chess training, The camps are structured meticulously by Mr. He and elite world trainers. I attended 15+ elite camps and it helped me immensely. I would like to thank Mr. He and all trainers for their help and support in my journey to become world's youngest Grand Master. It would not have been possible without their support. These camps are available in various rating groups and are helpful for chess players of all levels. I highly recommend these camps. Regards GM Abhimanyu Mishra

FM Li, Eric Yuhan
I have learned a lot from the NACH camps over the past year. The world-class coaches showed very instructive material, imparted their knowledge to us to learn their strategies, and we also got to actively interact with them by chat or verbally in class. I also enjoyed the opportunity to study together with top-tier players such as Jeffery Xiong. There are countless topics covered in the camps, e.g., pawn structures, calculation skills, exploiting tactical mistakes, positional thinking, endgame strategy, and many more. The homework was also very instructive. The camps were rigorous, with all of the students working very hard. On top of all of that, there were often blitz tournaments afterwards, where we got to play in a blitz tournament vs. the very strong coaches and students. I truly appreciate Mr. He for organizing these camps and making them a success.

IM Estrada Nieto, Julian
I have participated in 4 camps from Vladimir Kramnik. Profilaxis, Defense, Imbalanced positions and The Maroczy structures. It is a life-time experience to be able to learn from such a player. This level of deepness i have never seen before. Answering the questions he asks, when i can, has brought me another way of looking in to chess. The same for the camp of Boris Gelfand on the pawn structures. Was my time. A fantastic experience and i enjoyed very much his methodology. He would answer each question one by one. I want to mention as well that having such distinguished class mates is very encouraging. Finally, Mr. He. Key figure in all this process of trainig camps and tournaments. Without him, all this would be imposible. And that means, a lot! IM Julian Estrada Cuernavaca, Mexico

IM He, Anthony B
North America Chess Hub has made chess player's dream come true by providing opportunities to work with world class elite players and trainers such as former World Champion GM Kramnik, world champion challenger GM Gelfand, US Champion GM Shankland, GM Jacob Aagaard and more, all without travelling! The NACH camps are absolutely top-notch! The coaches prepared the material with thoughtful ideas and gave very challenging homework that requires you to think outside the box. The students are very motivated and hard working, including some of the most talented and/or established GM players. Additionally, there is great chemistry between the students and coaches! We chat and ask questions through Skype even after the camps!

IM Liang, Jason S
The NACH camps have helped me improve a lot during the past year. They select top GMs to teach critical subjects which attract many strong FMs, IMs, and even GMs as students. The goal of these camps is to learn practical topics which are very useful for applying in your own games. The camps helped me to earn all my IM norms within one year. The group of students in the 2400+ camps in particular consists of many players I look up to. The interactions between the students and coaches are enlightening. The homework assigned by the coaches also stimulated deep thinking and discussions. In addition, I would also like to thank Mr He's organization of strong tournaments involving many strong international titled players. Players of different levels can get opportunities to compete for prizes under fair playing conditions and practice while there have not been many OTB tournaments. The next camp I am looking forward to is the Endgame camp by Aagaard in March.

GM Xiong, Jeffery
The world class coaching I got from Gelfand and Aagaard camps is incredible. NACH has created invaluable opportunity for serious chess players to improve their chess understanding and skills by organizing camps of this caliber. Kudos to Mr. He on his vision and dedication to chess world! It is a privilege for our family to be your friends.

Vega, Isaac
NAACH has provided a fantabulous chess experience with an abundance of choices of chess camps/classes taught by top GMs or strong experienced GMs or title players for all levels to learn and grow. I had an amazing experience taking NAACH classes. I wish to hopefully see more topics like endgame planning, endgame strategy, defensive play, attacking play, realizing an advantage, exploiting weaknesses at the advanced level and more options as the spectators option for players. I really thought it was wonderful to have the chance as a 1900 to join a 2300+ and 2400+ classes. I look forward to what more classes and topics arise from NAACH. The possibilities are endless.