Help Topic : 3. What's our privacy policy for players?
You will need to provide a valid email address to register.
The email needs to be confirmed before you can log in.
Players from the same family can use the same email for registration.
We highly recommend GMail as it works best with our email delivery system.
We will use your publicly available information (name, title, rating, gender, birth year etc) to assist event registration.
We ask you to provide a phone number but we do not validate it.
We do not require any other personal information such as addresses, date of birth etc to use our services.
Some organizers may need your address to join their tournaments or memberships so they can send you prize checks, chess magazines or promotion materials.
Some organizers may need your birth date, gender and/or high school graduation year for some scholastic, female or senior only invitational events or membership offerings.
Under such circumstances, it's your right not to provide such info and not to participate in their events or accept their membership offerings.
Shall you decide to provide your full birth date on NAChessHub, organizers will only be able to view your birth year. In facts, FIDE publish player's birth year on
Your email and phone number will be visible to the organizers of the events you registered.
Your may also receive marketing emails from organizers.